What Effect Does CBD Have on Dogs?
What Is CBD Oil, but How Does It Work? Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a common ingredient found in the cannabis plant and hemp. It's important to note, according to research, that CBD oil does not usually include delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active compound in marijuana. The majority of CBD goods are made from hemp rather than marijuana. What Dog Health Issues Can CBD Oil Help With? Although there is no hard scientific evidence that CBD can alleviate suffering, especially neuropathic pain, or assist control seizures in dogs, there is empirical evidence from dog owners that it can. The longer the effects last, the more you ingest, and the higher the delta-9 gummies ' THC level. CBD's Potential Harmful Effects on Dogs However, there is no scientific evidence of CBD's adverse effects on dogs; there are possible side effects based on how CBD affects humans. Make sure you're getting the right dosage to avoid any uncomfortable symptoms. Dry mouth: CBD has ...